I love Barbara Breitenfellners collages where she combines old photograph cutouts from magazines with more geometric shapes and creates entirely new layout pieces that somehow give a new (hidden) dimension to the work.


The workspace of Barbara Breitenfellner is host to an elaborate rigging of books, boxes and trays that more closely resembles a chemistry lab than a cutting table. A long worktable lines one blue wall of her home-studio, whereon clippings brew in piles, paper churns in various stages of doing and undoing, and cans of spray glue await their day. Wallabies and bombshells rotate in and out of circulation, off the shelf, out of the book, off the page, into the hash, out of the hash, then either onto the page, into the frame and back onto the wall, or into a box for another chance at reincarnation. Observing the marked precision in Breitenfellner’s collage work–a microscopic view of strand of hair perfectly parallels the leg of the owl in flight it overlays–it is surprising to learn that thematic calculation ends after her selection of source materials, that firm intent it is absent during the assembly of her collages:

My collages spring from the threatening, erotic and illogical universe of dreams, there images extinguish themselves, leaving uncertain traces in our memory. Through the overprinting, cutting-out, overturning and adjoining of images I play, seemingly uncontrolled, with the circumstances of the unconscious. The particularly compelling compositions that develop through this process simply cluster about me, almost taking me by surprise. It’s as if someone else had made them. Those are my best works.

(Elizabeth Pusack)

From Barbara Breitenfellner’s website

The stuff that inspires – ART

 This article shows a personal selection of interests (like Music, Art, Design, People, Technology, Ideas, Books etc) that inspire me.